Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chapter 29 "Contribution Back to School" - Together We Rebuild Kuching High

on the 29th of october, our school, SMK Kuching high had organize a grand dinner at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching aimed to collect funds to rebuild the administration block :)

a view from the top of the whole dinner in the main hall. 200 tables, 2000 guest C:

the afternoon sessions as cheerios *gallery*, all club members helping in ushering, board of prefects as food and banquet *the chinese tea pot is seriously smokkin hot :/*, senior prefects and ajk as usher for the VIPs', other chosen musician as entertainer, ex-highian helping in selling some stuffs, teachers of course as leaders and many many more! about one third of students of the whole school's helping that day and other's indirectly helping :)

Am lucky that i could go that day and help in serving! Although i accidentally drop a drip of water on the first guest phone -.- but so far everything's smooth after that, Thank God!

Mr Gurmit Singh as our entertainer for the night , a picture of him during rehearsal :)

and here's after the make up wigs and the big mole xD 
yeah guys. its PHUA CHU KANG ;D

*all photo credits to Patrick Sim* ;)
his photo's superb btw.

a dance that i like so much :D performed by Kuching High students!
never under estimate us, for you can see, that night, we witnessed tons and tons of talented students performing! :D

the fire might burn down our school blocks, but because of the incident, we prove that our abilities in raising funds which's came from our unity and the spirit of us highians were undeniable and unpredictably AWESOMENESS. Most of all, it brought our relationship among each other closer within! ;D

Last but not least, I want to say that, I'm proud to be a HIGHIAN! 

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